
Nasunaru- my Kitsune? ch.4

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VannaRober94's avatar

Literature Text

WARNING WARNING!!! YAOI! meaning BoyxBoy, so if u don't like gay guys or Yaoi relationships I really suggest that you don't read neh?

Disclaimer; I swear one day I'll own it, but I don't own any Naruto characters right now, they belong to the ledgendary Kishimoto Masashi!(copyright) to him


Sasuke sighed as he stood in the shower, listening to the scratching at the bottom of the bathroom door. The fox was whining and continued to scratch, poor Sasuke couldn’t even shower in peace; “I told you no!”
He turned away from the door and pulled the curtain shut with one sharp pull, turning the tap so the water became louder. The ravenette sighed in relief when the scratching stopped, then continued to shower in peace.

The fox stretched up as far as its short length would let it, clawing at the handle. Eventually, it jumped up and pulled down, swinging the door open quietly and landing with a thud, shaking its head.

It wandered over to the curtain and nuzzled its way past it, poking its head in to view Sasuke, who paled at the sight of the staring fox. It was silent for two seconds before Sasuke yelled; “YOU ALREADY HAD YOUR SHOWER IN THE GARDEN!!! GET OUT!”
He pulled he curtain over his body and swatted at the fox’s nose; “Go on! Out!”
The fox simply jumped in the shower all the way, curling around Sasukes feet. He blushed hard when it looked up and tried to find a towel whilst trying to get out of the shower; “H- hey! No, don’t do that!”

Sasuke slipped backwards and landed with his legs flaring in the air; “ACK!”
He slid out of the shower wincing; “I told you not to do that you stupid fox!” The fox bounced out of the shower with him, shaking off the water. The ravenette stormed out of the bathroom with a towel over his head and around his waist towards his bedroom after turning off the shower.

He dumped his ass on the floor of his bedroom, saving his bed from getting wet, and began to dry his hair roughly; “Damn, my leg hurts now…” The fox bounced into his lap, soaking wet; “Oi, I just dried my self!”
He shoved it off, only to have it growl and jump on him, causing him to fall backwards. He frowned at the fox and glanced at that collar around his neck, running his hand around it and finding a little round disk on it. He read the word on it out loud; “N… Nar- Naruto…?”

He pushed at the fox, fed up of becoming wet again; “Get off of me your wet-…” He paused, what he felt was not fur, oh no, definitely not fur, it was skin. Sasuke gazed up at a blonde boy, huge blue eyes gazing and sparkling into deep, surprised black ones. Sasuke stopped breathing, the boy over him was absolutely beautiful. His wet hair, his wet skin, his oblivious face… Sasuke blushed deeply and the blonde blinked, finally speaking; “What…?”

The ravenette sat up slowly, pushing the blonde back as he did so. They ended up with Naruto sitting on Sasukes lap and blinking at him, while Sasuke stared down at his lap where nothing but a towel covered them both just barely.

The fox boy leaned forward and touched noses with Sasuke; “I’m Naruto…” He smiled as he rubbed noses with the frozen ravenette; “Naruto is thankful for Sasuke, Sasuke saved Narutos life…”
The naked blonde then kissed Sasukes nose, and that’s when the ravenette snapped out of it, blinking.

The birds in the nearby tree were sitting happily in the evening glow of the sun when a screech erupted from the Uchiha house hold, sending the birds in a panicked flutter to escape.

Sasuke crawled back, the towel just barely clinging to his waist as his back hit the wall. The extremely flustered ravenette pointed an accusing finger at the fox boy; “Wha-?! Who are you??!!!”
An orange tail wagged from side to side excitedly, and Sasuke paled, thinking to himself; `He… he has a… tail…?`
The blonde crouched playfully and looked up at Sasuke; “Naruto is Naruto, a fox! Naruto is happy Sasuke is his friend, Sasuke is Narutos first friend!”
Sasuke grabbed his own head and asked with wide eyes; “You… you can’t be a fox, where did the fox go, you’re a human-…”
His eyes finally glanced over the crouching and rolling blonde to find that he had fluffy orange ears with black tips, and an overly fluffy, orange tail wagging terribly excited with a white tip in the back ground.

Sasuke let out a squeak, but it wasn’t loud, it was more a silent squeak of disbelief. Naruto bounded over to him and was in front of Sasuke on his hands and knees, he asked childishly with a kind smile; “Neh- neh, Sasuke, will you be Narutos friend for ever and ever?!”
Sasukes mind clicked on some thing when the blonde began to crawl over exaggeratedly onto his lap; “WHOA-WHOA-WHOA!!! Personal Bubble!”  

Naruto smiled happily and completely oblivious to every thing on Sasukes bed with one of Sasukes old tops on. It was a pretty long top, so the blonde was very content with just sitting there with it on since it covered everything. But Sasuke dug profusely in one of his draws after he had thrown a white baggy top and some black slacks on himself; “Gotta’ find clothes gotta’ find clothes gotta’ find clothes…”
Sasuke was a panicked mess, throwing unsuitable clothes every where. A pair of his black boxers flew behind him and landed on the smiling blondes head, covering his view.

The fox boy paused in his smiling and looked around blindly; “Neh neh Sasuke, Naruto can’t see any thing any more…”
Sasuke glanced back and found the blonde crawling around on his bed in circles blindly, getting confused as to why he couldn’t see any more. The ravenette flushed red when he noticed what was the cause of the blondes blindness.

He gave a flustered sigh and crawled over to his bed, too lazy to walk, as the blonde fell off of the bed with a yelp. Sasuke pulled the top down over the blondes lower half quickly and snagged his boxers off of his head; “Give me that!”
Narutos pupils grew large and he began to smile and look around yet again; “Ah, Naruto can see again!”

Sasuke sat back down in front of his drawers and inspected his boxers before tossing them in a top drawer. Naruto clung to the covers to help himself crawl back on to the bed and began to curl up on top of the covers. He gave a small yawn, water gathering at the corners of his eyes as he did so. Sasuke grumbled to himself before glancing up at the blonde. The ravenette instantly chocked and yelled across the room; “Hey! Don’t fall asleep on my bed!”

The blonde fox boy became startled and his tail became frizzy and his ears were on high alert. Sasuke marched over and pulled the sheet out from underneath Naruto, who flipped three times before landing butt up in the air. Sasuke acted quickly and pulled down the top; “Stop doing that!”
Naruto pouted and rubbed his right eye with the back of his hand; “B- but Narutos tiiiiiired…”
Sasuke flushed red again at how seemingly adorable the blonde looked at that moment and turned his head away to hide it; “Ack, fine! Fine! Go to sleep, just not on my bed,”

Naruto looked around the room and said; “But… Naruto slept on Sasukes bed before, why can’t Naruto sleep on Sasukes bed now…?”
The blonde looked like he was going to cry, and Sasuke began to panic yet again; “B- Because… I… er, you're too big to sleep at the bottom of my bed now!”
Naruto brightened up suddenly and said; “Can Naruto sleep with Sasuke?!”
Sasuke yelled with disbelief at the stupid question from the blonde; “No!”
He folded his arms and looked away, glancing back at the blonde who was still staring gleefully at Sasuke with his huge blue eyes. The ravenette stated also; “And stop referring to yourself in the third person,”

Naruto tilted his head; “Third… person?”
Sasukes eye twitched; “Yes, its when some body always refers to them self by their name instead of `I` or `my`.”
Naruto hugged his bundle that was his orange fluffy tail and looked like he was about to cry… again; “N-N-N-Naruto doesn’t understand…”
Sasuke gave a grumbled sigh and sat on the edge of the bed, his arms still folded; “Your always saying your name-…”
A delicate, fragile looking hand reached forward and caught Sasukes cheek, causing the ravenette to look at the blonde.

Sasuke stopped breathing, it was like an automatic reaction. His breath caught in his throat and he froze completely as the fox boy was kissing him, full and on the lips. Shots of electricity shot through him, leaving his entire body feeling tingly and his eyes drooping. They were already half closed before he thought to himself; `No… This isn’t right, he’s another boy, and not even human!`
He managed, much to his secret disapproval, to pull back from the warm and soft sensational lips. He fell off of the bed and covered his mouth, blushing helplessly as he yelled, it becoming muffled since his sleeve was in the way; “What the hell was that?!”

Naruto gave a smile and wagged his tail yet again, staring childishly down at Sasuke; “Naruto learns things by kissing people!” Sasuke felt that warm tingling sensation fade and next had what felt like ice daggers shooting through him instead. Inside he couldn’t help but admit that it was rather nice, but that thought was instantly crushed by his all to big Uchiha Pride. Things seemed to click along the path and he stated; “So… earlier, when you kissed me on the nose… what that just a hello or were you trying to learn some thing?”

Naruto placed a delicate forefinger to his chin and looked up at the ceiling in thought; “Hmm, Naruto thinks it’s both! When Naruto kisses people, regardless, Naruto learns things!”
Sasuke squinted; “You’ve kissed… others?”
`That’s probably why those guys were chasing him the other day, he kissed them to learn some thing and they didn’t like the idea of being kissed by a boy… or a fox, which ever state he was in at the time…`
Naruto nodded; “Some, yes some!” Naruto was still oblivious to Sasukes inner battle as to if he felt jealous or not. Naruto kept on talking, bringing the older teen out of his musings; “But… Naruto can kiss them any where and learn things… but not with Sasuke. Naruto has to kiss Sasuke here,”
He pointed and played with his own lips giggling now and then before smiling brightly at Sasuke.  

Sasuke felt a headache coming on and he glanced away, mumbling; “Lucky me…”
Naruto then bounced in circles on his bed on all fours and chirped; “Bed sleep bed sleep bed sleep!” He grinned sweetly at Sasuke who looked like he was sea sick. Sasuke pointed to his closet; “You can sleep in there.”
Naruto peered around the tall ravenette before letting his ears drop and his eyes grew big because he didn’t understand; “D- does Sasuke not want to sleep with N- Naruto?”
His eyes watered, and Sasuke stammered to save himself; “I- you- just-… its more comfortable in there, and my bed…”- He looked at his bed which was king size and changed his sentence- “Is… big enough but I’m not used to some one sleeping in my bed with me…”

Naruto cuddled his fluffy tail most adorably and looked up at Sasuke with his huge, unbearable eyes; “But… Naruto wants to sleep with Sasukkeeeeeeeee!”
He began to cry, very loudly, and Sasuke spoke words before he even registered them; “Fine.”
He slammed a hand over his mouth as Naruto looked up, brightening up instantly again; “Really?!”
Sasuke paled; `Crocodile tears… he’s a fox, its to be expected from one of the sliest animals in the animal kingdom…`
Naruto spread his arms out and stretched them up, his ears straightening up; “Yay!”
Sasuke fell backwards with fright and pointed; “How many of you are there?!”
Naruto stopped in his musings and tilted his head at Sasuke, his arms still in the air as he gave a confused look at Sasuke.

Behind Naruto were nine tails…NINE! Naruto clicked to what he was hinting at and smiled gleefully; “Oh! Narutos tails! Does Sasuke like Narutos tails? Naruto worked hard to get nine tails!”
He hugged one of them, and Sasuke asked; “But you had one before!”
Naruto, continuing to hug one of his tails, stated; “Narutos tails were just bundled together!”

After loosing his battle with Naruto, Sasuke grunted and climbed into the other side of his bed; “Damn it…”
Naruto cuddled his arm; “Sasuke~ <3!”
Sasuke pushed his arm out, shoving Naruto to his own side of the bed before retreating his arm and rolling over; “You stay over there, your side of the bed, this is my side of the bed, stay on your side of the bed… Naruto.”
That was the seconds time he had said his name, and it gave him a funny fuzzy feeling inside.

During the night, Sasuke heard some thing that sounded like sniffing. He squinted as he sat up slightly, one was due to the darkness and the other was due to his sleepiness. His gaze landed on a shuddering blonde fox boy under the covers, Sasukes first and only thoughts were; `Is he… crying?`
Naruto had his hands clinging to the covers and he had brought them almost over his head. Sasuke sighed and narrowed his eyes childishly in embarrassment as he blushed as well; `This better not be a trick…Usuratonkatchi…`

Naruto sniffed as quietly as he could, he thought he had obviously done some thing wrong to make Sasuke disown him so much, just like every body else and before him. He trembled trying to stop crying, and hiccupped once, his eyes screwed shut.

A hand slid over his side, and Narutos eyes shot open. Some thing warm pressed against his back and lovely warm breath ran down his neck. The fox boy shifted his head up to see a pale elbow and that was it. Sasukes deep and soothing voice sounded from behind his ear; “Night, Usuratonkatchi…”
Naruto smiled, bringing the covers up and covering his eyes with them and snuggling back into Sasuke. His nine tails wrapped around his own body and he blushed slightly;
`Night night…. Sasuke- san…`
Hmm, I think Sasuke was a bit heartless, any way, chapter 4 is up, blah blah blah and I hope u enjoy(ed) it cause I seemed to have fun writing this chappie ^ ^

nice comments are appreciated XD

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LightShine572's avatar
the story is super cute with a fox that is naruto &sasuke showing his feels more